Many of you are wondering what wild lettuce is. Wild lettuce, as you may have guessed it, belongs to the lettuce family. They also belong to the dandelion family. With that said, there are different breeds of wild lettuce. But all types of wild lettuce have one thing in common. Wild lettuce produces a milky, sticky substance that induces pain relief.
Lactucarium, the milky sap one gets when they break of a stem of wild lettuce, is a natural pain relief with no known side effects. Think of morphine but less addictive and milder. Lactucarium has been used for many centuries to relieve pain, stress, sleep apnea, confusion, induces healthier sleep behavior, It has been proven but is not scientifically backed up. Why? Big pharmaceutical companies profit more from “proven” Western medicine that are synthetically engineered with serious side effects. Think about it. Chemicals and bonded inorganic components are modified to work together to fulfill its mission. Fix the problem regardless of side effects. With wild lettuce and other natural remedies, these do the exact same thing. Maybe not as potent, but safer because the ingredients are naturally made. With all that said, you may want to consult your physician before taking lactucarium, since it is made of a natural latex and can irritate allergies.
Lactucarium can be taken as is, like in a salad, can also be taken in a drink. The most popular way to do it, and the way I do it, is dry the leaves and make a tea into it. The tea should turn brown and taste like grass. Duh! I add about 7 to 10 leaves and drink the tea. Immediately after drinking the tea, you will feel light headed and your body will grow slightly numb. You will feel as if floating on a cloud. And, there are chances of hallucinating. Again, there have not been any reported side effects except an allergic reaction to latex.
If you need a more potent instrument, make it into a concoction. Or, for the most extreme pain (and hallucinogenic effects, make an extract, or tincture. You will need at least 30 to 40 leaves and boil it in a pot of water. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat and continue to simmer until most of the water is gone and you are left with a black liquid. Save this in a glass bottle or eyedropper for emergency purposes. This is the most potent.
A little bit of safety tips. Do not overdose!! The recommended dosage of the tincture or extract is no more than 1 and a half tablespoons. Like with everything, too much can actually hurt you.
What do you think? Are you ready to put down those opioids and try something less dangerous? Are you ready to go organic? Then try this ancient remedy our for yourself.