Welcome to the first step of your journey investing in the SASA Investment Trust! Your initial investment will be used to invest in ventures carefully selected by our financial investment experts here at SASA. By investing with us, your could earn a potential monthly passive income while safeguarding your initial invest. This additional income can be used to add to your current investments, savings, emergency funds, or it can be used for future projects, early retirement, or anything that you can think of! Remember, this is your investment and you can use it however you see fit. Curious on how this works? I bet ya, I would be too if I was in your shoes! Please read on to see how this investment works and how you can profit from it.
How the Program Works
It all starts with the investor, YOU. You invest a certain amount that you are comfortable with. Remember to consider how much you are willing to invest in. It is advisable to invest in an amount that is sitting around in your bank account earning nothing and that you will not need in case of an emergency. This is an investment and as all investments, the longer you hold the investment, the more you will profit from it. Your investment should be made up of funds that you do not plan on using on a daily basis and should not be part of your emergency fund. Again, your investment should come from money just idling somewhere not earning anything and not being used for anything.
Once you commit to an amount for your investment, you will then complete an application, speak with our experts for a consultation, and if you decide to proceed, we will then being with your investment.
Once we receive your investment, we will use it to invest in companies. Your investment is ‘borrowed money’ which means we are obligated by the Terms and Conditions of the Contract to reimburse you fully. That’s right, FULLY! 100% money-back guarantee! Your investment is secured whether the investment after being sold generates profit or whether the investment fails, your money will be reimbursed 100% in one or several payments. So you will never have to worry about your initial investment. You will be protected based on the contract and may exercise your legal rights should we mishandle your investment. But we don’t want that to happen.
Once we have your investment, we choose a company that we invest in, in what is called ‘owning shares’. If you are familiar with the stock market, this is exactly what it is. You do not need to know anything about the stock market as we will take care of everything. We invest that money into a company by purchasing shares at the current share price (share prices could go up or down). Although we are borrowing your money (the investment) we will own the shares. This is a precaution and meant to protect you, the investor, from stock market volatility. So we own the shares while your investment is secured and guaranteed. Now, how is this strategy going to earn you money? Great question with a great answer coming up.
We purchase shares of companies that pay out ‘dividends’, a sort of interest if you will. These dividends are regulated by the company and can be paid out monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annually. Those dividends are then paid out to the shareholder (US) and then recorded on the investors ledger (YOU). Now there is a small 20% service fee we charge, but the remaining belongs to the investor, YOU. Now because this investment is considered to be long-term (you can actually withdraw after six months) the longer you keep your investment, the more dividends, or interest you accrue. These amounts will be reported on a ledger, which will be sent out to the investor monthly. Simultaneously, these dividends will be reinvested into buying more shares, which means the investor will earn more every month, as long as the dividend rates don’t change. Note: companies have the right to increase or decrease the dividend rate. That is out of our hands. Reinvesting dividends into buying more shares from the same company in order to earn a higher dividend payout the following months is called the Dividend Reinvestment Program. It allows the investor to procedurally earn more dividends while still earning your normal dividend payout. Below is an example:
Suppose the investor invests $1000. We purchase shares from the company with the investment in the amount of $14.50 per share. This will result in about 70 shares purchased from the company. The investor has $1000 safeguarded but we will own the 70 shares. The company in which we invested in generates $0.12 per share, per month owned. If 70 shares are owned multiplied by the dividend rate per share of $0.12, the total amount would be $8.40 earned for the month. Remember we charge a 20% service fee from dividends earned. In this case, we would charge 20% from the dividends earned, $8.40. This would be about $1.68. That would leave you, the investor, with $6.72. Congratulations, you just earned $6.72 from money that is just sitting around and earning less than $1.00 from your savings account! Now if we calculate the monthly dividends earnings for 12 months, or one year, you could earn up to $80.64 dollars in that year! That is more money you could earn from keeping your money in a savings account. However, that is not all. Remember we discussed about the Dividend Reinvestment Fund? So because we reinvest your dividends into buying more shares of the company, this will generated an additional dividends payout, until you, the investor, are ready to withdraw your investment.
So you will get your initial investment (for this scenario, $1000) plus any dividends earned, minus our service charge. by the end of the year, you will withdraw, based on this scenario, $1080.64. What if you withdraw after 5 years? You will receive a little more than $1403.20. This is just an estimate and could be more, or less, depending on the dividend rate change. As always, every investment has risks and with this option, the investor’s risks are minimal, since you are guaranteed to receive your initial investment back. Finally, for you big investors, you can always add to your initial investment, thereby generating more passive income.
If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to Click Here to redirect you to our dedicated webpage.
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