Hello everyone! I am back with another survival tip for you all. In my last blog, I received many harsh comments on social media platforms. These responses covered all boundaries. some were death threats, some were aimed at me supporting a certain presidential candidate and that my job would not exist if he were to become president. Other comments were aimed at my subject of focus, emergency management. One example, an emergency manager in Las Vegas made the comment that my post had nothing to do with emergency management because he deemed it was too political. Well, if informing the public of a president who has coronavirus and is deliberately infecting others by not taking safety precautions, or if the same president is faking he has coronavirus just to sympathize with Americans and win votes, only for him to lead our country into more chaos and social discrimination, isn’t emergency management, then they are sadly mistaken. I specialize in survival management. That means how to survive in ANY situation. Political corruption, civil disturbance, society breakdown, are all real threats. They have the capacity to cause other man-made hazards. Anarchy, violence, active shooters, property damage, bomb attacks, you name it. If these local emergency managers can’t see the possibility of this happening, nor the possibility of the extensive damage it can have to the communities, then unfortunately they need to go back to school and get their education a kick start.
Anyways, let’s go back to political corruption. It is everywhere in different forms and degree. As an American, everyone deserves the right to live a good life, live peacefully, and live freely. Government exist to regulate or punish certain acts people may consider freedom. Governments are a good thing, yet too much government can be a bad thing. And if these governments are filled with public officials who honestly do not care about the safety and well-being of every American, then they should not be in their position and should be imprisoned like the criminal they are. How hard is it to lead a city, tribe, state, or country in an honest fashion? Isn’t this what God has instructed us to do, our one true Governor? He taught us to love each other and to not bear false witness, not to covet, and not to murder. If these politicians are running a circus in their office, its time we consider other candidates to govern us. So how do we survive political corruption? First, make sure you all have a plan. In this plan, make sure you have a refuge site that you and your family can escape to, away from big cities. Someplace isolated. Makes sure this refuge point has resources; food, water, materials to build, materials to build a fire, medical supplies, etc.
Second, ensure you have enough food, water, and other important supplies for five days. That may seem like a lot, but remember, if political corruption can spur society collapse or civil disturbances, many commercial outlets may be closed or refuse to serve customers. People are going to be looking out for themselves, not you.
Three, protection. Whatever you need to protect yourself and your family.
Four, build a trustworthy network. While it may be hard to trust people, it can certainly benefit and increase your chances of survival if you have a solid network that will support each other.
Five. This is a tough one. Cash or gold? Keep cash with you because it is the easiest legal tender to use. Then again, political corruption can lead to an economic drop which can lead to inflation, making the dollar worthless. In that case, you may want gold. A precious metal that cannot be devalued by inflation. Or, keep both with you. Just make sure you protect your assets.
Six. Patience. While there isn’t much you can do to fix political corruption nor how to prepare for it (all of these steps are steps to prepare for civil disturbances or social collapse) you are preparing for these inevitable secondary threats, not political corruption. You just have to wait it out and prepare for the final step.
Seven, final step. You have a voice! Voice your opinion and voice out who you think would make a proper leader. Technology, greed, lust, power, and all of these worldly distractions have corrupted our minds. Not many people are living honest lives. Where has America gone? It has changed. And so have the people in it. But, there is still a light, a light of hope! You can be that hope that brings communities together to ensure the community elects strong and honest leaders!
Power to America!