Given the diversity of the United States, it is impossible to please nearly 800 million people. Social issues, unfavorable government action or inaction, police corruption…you name it. Every topic can be considered as a hot topic that can trigger anger and retaliation from affected community groups. What can start as a peaceful protest, given the right triggers, can lead to violent rioting.
Riots are scary and anyone involved in rioting should be considered dangerous, whether be it the protestors or the police force sent to quell the situation. What is even worse, among both groups are what we call the ‘elevation variables’. Elevation variable can be people, objects or actions that can and will elevate the current situation into something far worse. Some examples of human elevation variables are extremists groups or anarchists who want nothing more than to see societal collapse. They can hide among the peaceful protestors and are said to be the cause of 60% of peaceful protests gone chaotic. The second variable refers to objects. These objects are usually symbols of hate, prejudice, discrimination, etc. One example to be the Nazi swastika. Just by flying a banner with the swastika on it, a violent reaction will ensue. The third variable that can elevate into rioting, is the action of an individual. Police assigned to deter an advancing protesting crowd brandishes his service weapons whilst grinning, or a protestor saying offensive remarks; these will surely escalate the situation.
When rioting begins, everything is considered fair game…to the protestors. Flipping cars, burning police stations, Molotav cocktails, looting of businesses, and even home invasions are all common secondary threats and can lead to social collapse. But with all this going around, how can you ensure you and your loved ones are safe? How can you survive a mob rule?
First and foremost, always be aware of your surroundings. Use your senses to predict danger triggers. Stay away from crowds, stay away from flipped cars, and stay away from the police, because they will think that you are a threat and will ‘repel’ your unwanted advances. The police are there for one reason; protect public interests and not protect the public. As you are observing every little detail, plan an escape route. No, plan several escape routes. You should always be planning new escape routes because every step you take is different from the step you took previously. Use your hearing to hear disturbing noises such as screaming and gunfire. Use your sense of smell to smell fire. If something doesn’t look right, it isn’t and you should stay away.
Next, stay informed. Listen to the radio news, listen to people, and listen to your common sense. Remember, knowledge is much stronger than the mightiest sword. The more you learn from the enemy, the bigger the advantage you have. Stay alert and stay alive!
Stay out of the radar. This means stay away as far as possible from any rioting or any crowds. If caught in the midst of a crowd, blend in. Keep a low key and cover your face. There is a high probability the media is out filming the whole ordeal and if your face is caught on camera, you will be the face of the rioting.
Protect yourself. This does not mean taking out your concealed weapon and starting shooting. If you do that, you will make things worse. Practice a little self defense when you have free time. Remember, the key to proper execution is preparation, planning and performance. Use others around you as human shields. I know this will sound crazy but if rocks, sticks or other objects are being thrown, stay between a small group of people. At worst, they will be hit before you will, allowing you more time to make your escape.
What happens if you are caught in a cloud of tear gas? Tear gas was made to cause the most damage as it lingers. As soon as tear gas is released, get out! Do not rub your eyes, look down on the ground and run away. Take in short, quick bursts of air and avoid deep breathing. This will reduce the amount of the gas that is breathed in. When you arrive at a safe location, or your house, take off your shirt and any headgear you have. Eliminate the sources of lingering tear gas. Wash your hands with soap and water and then rinse your eyes with milk. Yes, milk. Milk is a base and acts as a coagulant that traps radicals, sort of like activated charcoal. Which reminds me, if your intent is to take part in a riot, bring activated charcoal. Put some in your nostrils and around your face. Not only does it look maniacal, but as mentioned earlier, if tear gas is released, the molecules of the activated charcoal will trap the components of the droplets of the tear gas, reducing absorption.
These tips can increase your survivability in a mob rule incident. Get to safety is your priority. Staying alive is your prerogative. Stay indoors and protect your loved ones and your property. If society collapses, your home and family are f*cked! Invest in home protections now and start preparing for the worst.
If ever you need professional help in preparing for these scenarios or any other emergency situation, make a request to have me customize a family emergency response plan for disaster situations. If you are a business and you need an emergency response plan, we provide those also. By being prepared for the worst and harnessing your primal fear, reality will set in and you will be more aware. Stay alert and stay alive! Goodnight America!
“I don’t want to set the world on fire” – The Ink Spots