SASA Investment Fund
Welcome to the first step of your journey investing in the SASA Investment Trust! Your initial investment will be used to invest in ventures carefully selected by our financial investment experts here at SASA. By investing with us, your could earn a potential monthly passive income while safeguarding your initial invest. This additional income can be used to add to your current investments, savings, emergency funds, or it can be used for future projects, early retirement, or anything that you can think of! Remember, this is your investment and you can use it however you see fit. Curious on how this works? I bet ya, I would be too if I was in your shoes! Please read on to see how this investment works and how you can profit from it. How the Program Works It all starts with the investor, YOU. You invest a certain amount that you are…
Wild Lettuce (Lactuca Virosa)
Many of you are wondering what wild lettuce is. Wild lettuce, as you may have guessed it, belongs to the lettuce family. They also belong to the dandelion family. With that said, there are different breeds of wild lettuce. But all types of wild lettuce have one thing in common. Wild lettuce produces a milky, sticky substance that induces pain relief. Lactucarium, the milky sap one gets when they break of a stem of wild lettuce, is a natural pain relief with no known side effects. Think of morphine but less addictive and milder. Lactucarium has been used for many centuries to relieve pain, stress, sleep apnea, confusion, induces healthier sleep behavior, It has been proven but is not scientifically backed up. Why? Big pharmaceutical companies profit more from “proven” Western medicine that are synthetically engineered with serious side effects. Think about it. Chemicals and bonded inorganic components are modified…
What Is Activated Charcoal?
Activated charcoal is charcoal that has been activated by an aggressor (an inorganic salt) and water. Charcoal itself is about 90% carbon. When activated, the charcoal heats up and absorbs microscopic elements as the inorganic salt traps them as it liquefies. To put it bluntly, activated charcoal traps radicals until the charcoal is discarded. For this reason, many people (before Western medicine and even now) use activated charcoal for their medicinal/first aid needs. From being used as a coagulant, to upset stomachs, weight loss to accidental poison or radiation absorption, activated charcoal is a quick remedy until emergency help arrives. It is even used by the military as a flame-less heater. There are more uses to activated charcoal — I will leave it to you all to add your experiments. As a precaution, any experiment you do is solely at your own risk. We do not accept fault for your…
My Observations
For the past three months, I have been out on deployments with FEMA, helping survivors with registering for Individual and Housing Assistance. There were times where I just wanted to rest and take a day off. I put myself in there shoes, imagining losing everything; my house, my personal property, and no where to go. Survivors calling at 2 or 3 a.m. in the morning, crying. How could I rest when there are so many people suffering out there? I decided to work 7 days out of the week, 12 hours everyday. Knowing I would not have time to spend with my wife and son, putting extra burden on them. But they supported me on the mission and assured me I was working for the greater good. Now the chaos has slowed down and I am able to get some downtime. Still, there are so many people out there, in…
The Rising Floods Pt 1: Preparation
Have you ever been to a lake? Or how about the beach? One look at a majestic body of water and we think, “Wow. How beautiful is that lake?” or “The waves of the ocean are hypnotic.” Certainly, sitting or laying on the shore overlooking the ocean can be a relaxing time. As we ponder the serenity of watching the rolling waves creeping toward the shore, we are also reminded of just how dangerous the waters can be. Water is the essence of life. We need it, and much of it in order to live. But too much water can be equally dangerous. It can consume us and our possession, our property. What I’m talking about is flood waters. Flood waters, or just flooding, can occur in any part of the world, from the deserts of the Mojave to the western European coastal areas, to even entire islands. But the…
Fire From Above: How to Survive A Volcanic Eruption
A peaceful Sunday afternoon, sun-bathing in the coastal areas of the Pacific, nothing can go wrong. After all, this feels like paradise. A loud siren wails across the calm skies, deafening the ears of the locals. Meanwhile, you grab your radio and tune in to the news. Evacuation orders have been given, you are to flee immediately, leaving behind your possessions and saving your skin. The reason? A volcanic eruption the likes of which is unheard of, is imminent. When a volcano erupts, get ready for hell. A volcano can spew out magma, pyroclastic rocks, sulfur, methane, carbon monoxide, and other toxic chemicals that can cause asphyxiation and death. Not to mention these invisible gases often contain sharp minuscule glass, rock, and metals that when inhaled, could cut up your lungs, esophagus, and internal organs. Pyroclast explosion and debris can reach as far as 50 miles away from the volcano,…
COVID-19 Part Deux: The Delta Variant
On January 2020, the world encountered it’s most dangerous enemy. This enemy was not a terrorist group like Al-Qaeda. This enemy was not some rogue nation that would like nothing more than to set off a nuclear war. This enemy was the invisible enemy. This enemy was the silent enemy. This enemy is still the enemy of the world. This enemy continues to haunt the normality of daily living of citizens spread across 172 countries. This enemy is the SARS-CoV-2, better known as the Covid-19 disease. And while all people know this common enemy and the threat it has imposed on a global population of nearly 8 billion people, a global effort in social distancing, PPE wearing, lockdowns, and vaccination efforts have eased the minds of a nervous population. It seems that a return to normalcy is near as economies are recovering and unemployment rates are dropping. But what a…
How to Keep the Heat Down During the Holidays
The holidays are upon us. Many of us are making plans to visit our families during the holidays. Others are just wanting to get out of the house from being stuck indoors for eight months due to this pandemic. And while we are all taking precautions to keep ourselves safe from the coronavirus, we must not forget that when the cold weather comes, when we decorate our homes with Christmas lights, when we use our ovens for preparing delicious holiday feasts, the risk of kitchen fires, electrical fires, or fires emanating from unextinguished cigarettes increase. Last year, in the month of December, I was called by the American Red Cross to respond to seven fires. One of the worst fires I responded to was the Alpine Motel fire which claimed several lives and displaced dozens of Las Vegans. The Las Vegas Fire Department deemed at as being the most deadly…
Political Corruption
Hello everyone! I am back with another survival tip for you all. In my last blog, I received many harsh comments on social media platforms. These responses covered all boundaries. some were death threats, some were aimed at me supporting a certain presidential candidate and that my job would not exist if he were to become president. Other comments were aimed at my subject of focus, emergency management. One example, an emergency manager in Las Vegas made the comment that my post had nothing to do with emergency management because he deemed it was too political. Well, if informing the public of a president who has coronavirus and is deliberately infecting others by not taking safety precautions, or if the same president is faking he has coronavirus just to sympathize with Americans and win votes, only for him to lead our country into more chaos and social discrimination, isn’t emergency…
What Would be the next Global Disaster?
It has been a while since I last posted here in my blog. My previous blogs contained content that were relevant to the then current happenings of the world, mostly stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. This time though, things are a little bit more serious. A looming threat is geared to fulfill prophecy, a prophecy that has been culminating for over 1000 years. This looming threat will devastate the world. If you thought the COVID pandemic was the threat that would have destroyed the world population; that was only the icing on the cake. What I am about to describe here has been well-documented and is highly expected, but no one in a hundred years would have actually banked on it to happen so soon. I would say within the next decade, heck maybe even within the next three to five years, that worst-case scenario is about to happen, and…